Decreased or absent bowel sounds may also indicate Patients must not commence oral fluids if bowel sounds are not present as this finding may indicate an ileus. Auscultate the abdomen for bowel sounds, if bowel sounds are present, or the patient reports they are passing flatus, clear fluids can commence, and aperients can be administered.What is their mobility like? Is their mobility decreased? Are they likely to be resting in bed for a long period of time?.Are they allowed to eat and drink, or take oral/enteral medications?.Does the patient have a history of constipation? Are they on regular aperients at home?.What is causing the child to be unwell? What is their reason for admission?.When was the last time they opened their bowels? Were they already constipated before surgery?.If the patient reports difficulty passing stools, has not had a bowel action since surgery, or is currently taking opioids, then the following should be considered: This leads to a reduction in gastrointestinal propulsion and an increase in fluid absorption. Constipation is a common adverse effect from opioid medication use due to the action upon opioid receptors in the gastrointestinal It is often accompanied by abdominal cramps, increasing abdominal distension, constipation or vomiting, electrolyte disturbances andĪll post-operative patients are at risk of developing constipation due to a variety of factors, such as changes in mobility status, reduced oral intake and as a side effect of medications. Ileus - A post-operative complication that is characterized by the loss of forward flow of intestinal contents.These can be given both orally or intravenously. Opioids - Analgesics that are useful agents for managing acute or chronic pain.Fibre - Indigestible parts of plant foods (such as wholegrain cereals, fruits and vegetables) that helps to soften and add bulk to faeces making it easier to pass through the digestive tract.A common side effect of aperient and antibiotic use. Diarrhoea - Passing loose, watery or more frequent stools.Constipation - An alteration in the consistency or ease of passing stool or the failure of the bowels to open for 3 consecutive days.Aperients - Oral or rectal medications which can be given to stimulate or facilitate the evacuation of the bowels.The aim of this guideline is to assist nurses who work within the paediatric field around the prevention and management of constipation in the post-operative patient. Conversely, the patient’s medical condition and medications such as antibiotics can also lead to diarrhoea. Faecal impaction may occur causing pain and discomfort for patients as well as Malabsorption is also associated with celiac disease.Constipation is one of the most frequent, adverse reactions that can occur post-operatively secondary to a reduction in fluid intake, immobility and medications such as opioids. Thus the three conditions of gut movement, fluid and gas are met leading to bowel sound. This phenomena releases hydrogen and attracts the flow of fluid in the gut thereby starting the contraction. For instance, when the small level of enzyme in the intestine is expected to digest lactose of milk, it encourages the sugar to reach the colon and get fermented by the colon bacteria. This is caused by certain malabsorption of water during digestion.

The increase in the peristaltic movement inside the intestine accompanied with the accumulation of gas, and fluid increase the sound of the liquid stool that is splashing in the gut. Bowel sounds are normally experienced by the patient when he has diarrhea. Nevertheless, the hyperactivity or totally no sound is a bit abnormal and certainly has medical significance.

Medical Significance of Hyperactive Bowel Soundīesides being embarrassing, bowel sound is normal if it is not accompanied by other symptoms.